What are you searching for?

Find the perfect match!

Are you looking for a product designer, UI / UX designer or industrial designer? The expertise of our recruitment services is to filter out suitable designers for your projects or open positions within your company.

Right from the start, we support you in your search for the perfect match. We have more than ten years experience in design recruitment and we are proud to have grown a broad network of talented, experienced designers.

We successfully worked with more than 60 companies. Our recruitment consultancy specializes in clients from brands and companies who are looking for industrial designers, UI / UX designers and product designers. We can also advise your company on specific recruitment inquiries in the field of fashion or graphic design and creative executive management roles.

Our team makes a preselection and provides your company with a variety of résumés and design portfolios that exactly match your requirements and values.

Positive customer feedback

Positive customer feedback

We are always thrilled to receive positive feedback from companies and brands for whom our designer recruitment has been a success.

My career at adidas started with meeting Andreas. He has an absolute great sense for people and their individual strengths. Over many years he developed a unique expertise to find the right talents for the most diverse companies and the right companies for the most diverse talents. I just can recommend his excellent services and encourage everyone who is looking for a new challenge or is searching for new talents to reach out to Andreas to benefit from his great skillset.

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Linkedin Referenz – J. Rank

Senior Design Director

After a very pleasant meeting and trusting cooperation Andreas was able to place me in a great new role. Thanks for that and the contact is highly recommended!

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Linkedin Referenz – R. Heinold

Chief Product Officer (CPO)

I have known Andreas for many years and appreciate our fruitful and valuable cooperation. Andreas has an excellent instinct for people and for being in good shape with companies. His expertise and honesty as well as his appreciative and respectful manner make him a sparring partner for candidates and companies. An enrichment as a partner and person!

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Linkedin Referenz – T. El-Dabbagh


Job placement
We scout product designers, UI / UX designers or industrial designers for your team
We are experienced in precise placement of the talents your company needs
Executive search
We work in a very confidential way especially for leadership positions
Job postings
We take care of the advertisement of currently open design positions
We directly approach suitable talents within our network
We promise absolute confidentiality during the process of talent acquisition
Keeping in touch
We appreciate dynamic communication with you and your company
We are happy to listen to your concerns at any time
Contact us!

Searching for a designer

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Direktkontaktdesigners for brands
Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihre Anfrage, sowie auf die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.
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Social Mediadesigners for brands
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